
Home Features

Intelligent and Automated SmartReader OCR Service

Enable your product to have all the OCR automation capabilities they need to convert any document or image into digital content in any language.

SmartReader Capabilities

SmartReader entails applying several deep learning algorithms to identify and extract the natural language rules such that the unstructured language data and converts them into a digital output that computers can understand.

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Serving businesses by supporting multiple languages

SmartReader can read, process and output in many international languages. It can support: English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Hindi and others.


Converts equations and expressions

SmartReader can read, process and output formulas and equations for many subjects like maths, physics, chemistry and others.

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Figures, Drawings & Diagram Reading and Matching

SmartReader also scans, understands and interprets drawings and diagrams. It can correlate, compare, search, redraw and find identical drawings / diagrams or find similar drawings.

Elevating Your SmartReader Workflow

By honoring the document readers, we enable Backend systems and Mobile apps to integrate with SmartReader services.

Technology Driven

With smartreader helping advance paperless technology, it won’t be long before human inputs are taken out of the equation across most.

Maximized Intelligence

Maximizing your investments - leverage your current infrastructure to welcome smartreader into your native interpretation environment.

Cutting-Edge Algos

Access the latest methods developed by nation-state level cyber experts, all with this autonomous platform and smartreader Technology.

Autonomous Protection

Smartreader provides a fully automated machine that continuously searches for breaches and provides high-fidelity, context-rich attack reader.

Neural Networks

Centralized access to a growing library of smartreader allows for ease of access, continuous exploration, investments - leverage and expansion.

Leverage Your Environment

SmartReader seamlessly connects and analyzes your live data feed from existing multidimensional sources without duplicating your data.

Ready to be part of an industry transformation?

Experience SmartReader FREE for 14 days